Archive for February, 2007

Conference in Dudelange

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Following an invitation of the
Dudelange Section of the LNVL
I gave a presentation at their yearly general assembly at the

“Centre Hild” in Dudelange, on Friday the 2nd of March.

Subject: Wildschweine in Luxemburg

Assembly starts at 20:00

Presentation in Luxembourg language.

Reactions to the conference

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

Tuesday 13th of February:

After the first comments on Luxembourg radio RTL
the subject was found same day in the online press:

Wednesday 14th of February:

Paper press: Articles in Luxemburger Wort and Tageblatt

Friday 16th of February:

woxx 889 Kommentar: Jagd und Wild: Ausgerechnet Saumagen!

The article can be found online in their archives
